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Shoulder dislocation is common in people who do intense physical activities like athletes, bodybuilders, and more.

However, it doesn’t mean an ordinary person doesn’t suffer from this. Anyone can suffer from this, especially males.

It occurs when the humerus (round ball at the top of the upper arm bone) leaves the scapula (the socket in the shoulder blade).

In simple terms, the ball of the upper arm ball gets separated from the socket bones.  

Studies show that more than 1.7% of people suffer from dislocated shoulders every year (worldwide).

A dislocated shoulder can also cause damage to the surrounding tissues, such as ligaments, cartilage, muscles, nerves, and more.

It can occur in different compartments of the shoulder and can be of different types.


Shoulder Dislocation Types

There are primarily three types of a dislocated shoulder, including:

Anterior (forward) Dislocation

Anterior shoulder joint dislocation is the most common type. Stats show that it occupies more than 95% of dislocated shoulder cases.

In this, the top of the arm bone (humerus) is moved forward in front of the socket (glenoid).

It usually occurs due to the shoulder joint’s abduction, extension, and external rotation.

Posterior (backward) Dislocation

Posterior shoulder dislocation is not common as it occupies 2% to 4% of all shoulder dislocated cases.

In this, the humerus bone (head of the arm bone) moves above the socket of the shoulder joint, and it usually occurs due to seizures or electrical shock.

Inferior (bottom) Dislocation

Inferior shoulder joint dislocation is the rarest case of the dislocated shoulder as it occupies only 1% to 2% of all cases.

In this, the humerus (head of the upper bone) splits from the socket and is displaced downward (bottom).

Thus, these are the three shoulder dislocation types from which you may suffer at any point in life.

But how’ll you know that you’re suffering from this? For that, you must know the symptoms of shoulder dislocation.

Symptoms of Dislocated Shoulder

In some cases, you can easily notice the symptoms of shoulder dislocation, but sometimes you just can’t.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of dislocated defined by the best Joint Replacement Surgeon in Pune:

  • Swelling or bruising.
  • Severe Pain in the shoulder joints.
  • Low mobility: Don’t able to move or rotate your arm.
  • Visibly disfigured (while looking into the mirror) with an unexplained lump or bulge.

Note: The Pain you feel in your shoulder may move up and down your arm, i.e., you may feel Pain in your shoulder to your neck.

Thus, these are the symptoms that you’ll notice if your shoulder gets dislocated.

Causes of Shoulder Dislocation

Shoulder joints are one of the most usable joints in the body. It can move in almost every direction. Also, the shoulder joints are solid, and it isn’t easy to dislocate.

This conveys that a strong force, such as a sudden blow or serious injury to the shoulder, can dislocate the position of bones.

In addition, sudden and forceful twisting of the shoulder can also cause dislocated shoulder joints.

Below are the causes of dislocated shoulder:

Injury: Dislocation usually occurs due to injury, most probably sports injury.

Bad landing after fall: Falling from a small height can cause dislocated joints (if you don’t land properly).

Accident: Accidents like motor vehicle accidents can cause dislocation.

However, these are some of the causes that can lead to shoulder dislocation; there can be some more.

These causes can dislocate the shoulders in two ways, either partially or completely.

In partial dislocation (subluxation), the humerus (top of the upper arm bone) comes out of the socket (glenoid) partially.

On the other hand, in complete dislocation of the shoulder joint, the humerus is all the way out of the socket.

So, how can you prevent shoulder dislocation? Look at some tips in the following section!

Prevention of Dislocated Shoulder

You already know the symptoms and causes of shoulder joint dislocation. Now, have a look at the tips to prevent it:

  • Take care of stairs to avoid falls.
  • Wear protective gear while playing sports.
  • Make your joints strong by following some exercises.
  • Main healthy weight.
  • If you’re a bodybuilder, don’t put extra pressure while doing dumbbells or something.
  • Keep the muscles and tendons around the joints strong.
  • Follow a balanced diet.
  • Avoid smoking and alcoholism.
  • Increase the intake of calcium and vitamin D.

Thus, these are some tips that you can follow to prevent shoulder joint dislocation in the first place.

But if you are suffering from severe Pain in your shoulder, you must consult the best Orthopedic Doctor in Maharashtra for proper diagnosis and Shoulder Dislocation Treatment in Pune.


Shoulder dislocation is a common problem that people face. It isn’t something to panic about.

Even the shoulder dislocation recovery is easy and fast, i.e., the recovery time of dislocated shoulder can vary from 12 to 16 weeks, depending on the condition.

The best part about its recovery is that you can get back to your everyday life and perform every regular activity only after two weeks of treatment.

So, if you’re a sufferer and from Pune, Maharashtra, don’t worry! Consult the best Joint Replacement Doctor in Maharashtra